Fitness Center in Ahmedabad Hypoxi India

Dazzle in your wedding dress

Targeted problem zone treatment for brides

With the HYPOXI-Method you have the unique opportunity to target fat burn at the waist, hips, buttocks and legs. The HYPOXI-Method will shape your body so you look amazing in your dream dress.

Firm buttocks, a flat stomach and slender hips

To achieve the desired wedding figure hard training mostly is not useful. This would rather produce additional muscles instead of reducing the problem zones.

With HYPOXI this is different. For a targeted body shaping the fat loss is activated directly at the problem zones.

The HYPOXI-Method is based on two complementary elements: The general stimulation of metabolism by a slight cardio exercise and the targeted stimulation of the blood circulation in the problem areas by help of an alternating pressure therapy.

The good thing: After only a few sessions the first results are visible.

No calorie counting

Don’t worry, of course you may test your wedding meal before. And there is no need of counting every calorie during your treatment. A well balanced nutrition will do. Preferably with a lot of vegetables, salads and fruits to provide your body with sufficient vitamins, fibers and minerals. In addition whole grain products are recommended instead of white meal products.

A very important aspect is the water intake. Remember to include a minimum of two litres of water daily. Water calms the feeling of hunger and promotes a fast energy transport.

You’re in good, safe hands!

Our clients are closely supervised by a comprehensively trained HYPOXI-Coach. An intensive coaching is the best way to insure that with every training session the problem zones disappear and the wedding joy grows.

What We Offer


Healthy eating means following a balanced diet. To ensure you achieve the best results, simple nutritional guidelines should be followed before and after your HYPOXI session.


We have our own HYPOXI cookbooks to inspire you to eat healthier and reclaim your shape. With both the main HYPOXI Cookbook and the HYPOXI Vegan Cookbook available, there is something to suit everyone. Comprising of HYPOXI friendly breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks and desserts, it is your go-to cookbook and month-long meal plan when following a HYPOXI program. Each book also includes great tips for success, gut health, controlling cravings and healthy food swaps.

So check out these amazing resources available in selected HYPOXI studios.

Fitness Center in Ahmedabad Hypoxi India
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