In shape after pregnancy

The pregnant belly is shown with pride. It bears new life and the joy of becoming a mum soon is tremendous. But shortly after giving birth these sensations carry along new worries. All the extra kilos gained during pregnancy keep themselves extremely stubborn on stomach, hips, buttocks and legs.

And so most desperate cries for help can be read in relevant forums: “Please help – my pregnancy belly won’t disappear!”, “Whatever I do, since the birth of my child I just can’t regain my former figure, my skin is flabby and supple! Is there anyone who can help?”

Of course there is no general answer to such questions. Nevertheless, there is a general principle; Don’t start too late, but use the transition phase in which your body is right after giving birth.

In shape after pregnancy Fitness Center in Ahmedabad women fitness fat burning Fitness studio Ahmedabad

Don’t underestimante extra gained pregnancy kilos.

A study carried out by the “Harvard School of Publich Health” brought about quite a surprising knowledge:

Extra pounds which aren’t lost after pregnancy are not only an aesthetic problem! Your health may suffer from it as well. In both the United States and Europe less and less women after pregnancy are able to get back to their former weight.

And the study shows that the risk of disease during a further pregnancy is increased therefore. For health reasons this issue shouldn’t be taken lightly. However, at this point it should also be specifically noted that dieting during pregnancy or during the breast feeding period is not the solution to this problem. Experts warn that there is a risk that the supply of nutrients, even for the unborn baby, is no longer sufficiently guaranteed.

* Source: E. Villamor et al.: The Lancet 368, 2006

Raw deal by nature

It often occurs a certain habituation effect to the increased calorie intake during pregnancy. Not always one finds they are right back to normal eating habits. But altered eating behavior is far from being the main reason why mothers just can’t manage their weight problems after giving birth.

The knowledge on how fatty deposits typically occur during pregnancy explains why these can be so nasty. These natural fat stores are created by the body in a targeted and hormonally controlled manner. Concretely, the female sexual and fertility hormones estrogen and progesterone are responsible for this. During pregnancy and later during breast feeding the stored fat is used as an important energy reserve.

In earlier days of food shortage this could even be essential for survival. Nowadays, in our good food supply situation, of course this doesn’t make sense anymore. Now these fat deposits are seen as problem zones and disturb our esthetical perception. But unfortunately our modern living conditions can’t extinguish the stored genetic information on how to maintain these hidden reserves.

Therefore it is extremly hard to get rid of these fat deposits by fasting or doing sports only.

In shape after pregnancy Fitness Center in Ahmedabad women fitness fat burning Fitness studio Ahmedabad

Don’t exercise too early!

Overall, women should be extremly careful with doing sports after giving birth, particularly after a caesarean section or in case of any complications occurred during birth. In both cases it is advisable to consult your doctor before getting active again. But also after a normal delivery, the sporting activities in the first phase shouldn’t be too intense.

In any case, the complete regression of the abdominal wall and the pelvic floor should be concluded – a process for which every woman may need a different time period. It is also advised not to torture oneself to sudden high performance activities, if before the pregnancy sport had not been on the agenda at all. Incidently, even the most popular sit-ups can be by far the most inappropriate method to shape up your figure. Remain cautious as long as the belly muscles aren’t back in their former position and the pelvic floor is not yet rehabilitated.

In addition, studies have shown that babies drink less intense or even refuse the breast if the mother has been doing strenuous exercise just before breastfeeding. In this regard, the HYPOXI-Method is ideal for women after giving birth as the cardio training with HYPOXI is extremely gently. It is individually co-ordinated and generally executed with only 40 % of the maximum performance capacity.

A training overload is excluded as HYPOXI can even be carried out in a lying position and so you can start to shape up your figure safely and without remorse soon after giving birth. Breastfeading mothers may start their program six to eight weeks after giving birth. Mothers who don’t breast feed should wait for their first menstrual cycle.

The great benefit of the HYPOXI-Method is precisely the fact that it acts directly on the problem areas. Significant results are visible already after a short time.

Why HYPOXI works so well.

There is only one way to soon enjoy your former figure. Fat deposits which were built up for good reason during the pregnancy must be reduced in a targeted manner.The HYPOXI-Method is based on two complementary effects. The general metabolism is stimulated by extensive, easy training. At the same time the blood circulation is intensified in the affected areas by the alternate action of negative and positive pressure.

The so-called alternating pressure therapy is a long-standing best practice in medicine. With HYPOXI it is used to activate fat in those areas which are poorly supplied with blood, and therefore are training-resistant, and then being burned in the muscles.

The HYPOXI-Method acts exactly on your desired areas: stomach, hips, buttocks and legs.

What We Offer


Healthy eating means following a balanced diet. To ensure you achieve the best results, simple nutritional guidelines should be followed before and after your HYPOXI session.


We have our own HYPOXI cookbooks to inspire you to eat healthier and reclaim your shape. With both the main HYPOXI Cookbook and the HYPOXI Vegan Cookbook available, there is something to suit everyone. Comprising of HYPOXI friendly breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks and desserts, it is your go-to cookbook and month-long meal plan when following a HYPOXI program. Each book also includes great tips for success, gut health, controlling cravings and healthy food swaps.

So check out these amazing resources available in selected HYPOXI studios.

In shape after pregnancy Fitness Center in Ahmedabad women fitness fat burning Fitness studio Ahmedabad
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